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Sub Total: $87.00

Manage Your School Efficiently

KMA School ERP has been developed to cover all aspects of the administration of the school or group of schools. We have dedicated development and support team to make user-friendly and hassle-free environment to implement and use ERP Effectively.

KMA Technoware Hisar


KMA School ERP is a focused application to meet all requirements, challenges and day to day operational activities. Our continuous technology up-gradation keeps our partners always ahead in the industry.


Both manual and biometric attendance can be synched with system and parents mobile app to paperless efforts and keep the record available real time. Save teachers time in recording attendance. Leave application on mobile and approval process and calculation for salary process. The complete end to end attendance solution.

Examination Management

Design and print Date-sheet, admit card printing, Exam Report, Student Report card, print mark sheet, certificate with predefined formats to make the exam process smoothen.

ID Card Printing

Get the ID Cards Student and Staff ID easily with help of Card issuance, Re-issuance, printing at predefined formats.

Free Management

Fee Collection, Fee Head Allocation, Pending Fee, Balance Carry Forward to next Session, Concession, Student Grouping for Fee, Concession, SMS for Receipt & Pending Fee, Round Off Fee is not a big challenge to manage fee in software. Daily collection Report, Monthly collection, pending fee and annual reports are available.

Transport Management

You can define and allocate route for vehicle, vehicle registration, diesel record management -to monitor pilferage, transport expense, SMS to parents of specific route incase Van/Bus issue.


Create and manage error free and paperless salary process on time, generate salary in bulk for all staff and save time. Automatic leaves calculation in salary process.


The software helps you begin with capturing parent's enquiries, follow-ups and further paperless smooth admission process. Though, the module is developed to manage smooth admission process but can be customized with organization needs and competencies.


Complete Accounts Management with reporting system to manage day to day activities of organization.

Stock Management

Goods Purchase, Return, Stocks Availability, Allocation at fingertip for comprehensive inventory management.

Staff Management

Easy and comprehensive management of teaching and non-teaching staff, joining, ID Card printing, attendance, salary, agreement printing, document scan copy uploading, resignation, experience letter printing, and Class Allocation. The software helps Complete HR Management in single window.


School can manage its library with Books Listing, Stock, Books Availability, Issuance, return, Slip Printing function which helps to manage library accurately without maintaining any paper record.


Manage School visitors' records with Visitors Records, Gate pass for student Pick-ups, Staff Calendar to keep all the visitors in-out records available easily throughout the session.

KMA School App

Fees detail, Homework, attendance, holiday, leave report notice, parent suggestion, Student Report

KMA Technoware Hisar

Student Profile

KMA Technoware Hisar


KMA Technoware Hisar

Home Work

KMA Technoware Hisar


KMA Technoware Hisar

Fee Paid

KMA Technoware Hisar


KMA Technoware Hisar

Notice Board

KMA Technoware Hisar


KMA Technoware Hisar


KMA Technoware Hisar

Apply Leave

KMA Technoware Hisar

Today's Thought

KMA Technoware Hisar

RMT Report

Our Valuable Clients